Activated Carbon Adsorption PPT Presentation Free

Activated carbon adsorption is a widely used method for removing impurities, pollutants, and contaminants from air, water, and industrial processes. It utilizes the porous structure of activated carbon to trap molecules, making it an effective solution for purification and filtration needs.

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Activated Carbon Adsorption PPT Presentation Free

How Activated Carbon Adsorption Works

Activated carbon is processed to create a highly porous surface area, increasing its capacity to adsorb substances. Adsorption occurs when molecules from a liquid or gas adhere to the surface of the activated carbon. This process is driven by van der Waals forces and chemical bonding, enabling the carbon to capture and hold impurities effectively.

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Applications of Activated Carbon Adsorption

Activated carbon is used in various industries for purification purposes. In water treatment, it removes chlorine, organic compounds, and unpleasant odors, making water safe for consumption. In air purification, it helps capture volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors. The pharmaceutical industry uses activated carbon for decolorizing solutions and purifying drugs. Additionally, it plays a vital role in gold recovery, food and beverage processing, and industrial waste treatment.

Types of Activated Carbon

There are different types of activated carbon tailored for specific applications. Granular activated carbon (GAC) is commonly used in water treatment and air filtration due to its large particle size. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) is suitable for short-term treatment processes, while impregnated activated carbon is chemically treated to target specific contaminants.

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Benefits and Limitations

Activated carbon adsorption is a cost-effective and versatile purification method. It offers high efficiency in removing a wide range of contaminants. However, it has limitations, such as reduced efficiency when the pores are saturated and the need for regular regeneration or replacement to maintain effectiveness. Proper selection and maintenance are essential for optimal performance.

Table of Content for Activated carbon adsorption PPT

  • Introduction
  • Activated Carbon
  • Types Of Activated Carbon
  • Activated Carbon Adsoption Systems
  • Applications
  • Advantages
  • Limitations
  • Conclusion

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Activated carbon adsorption PPT

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